Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The goal of this exercise is to gain an intimate and active understanding of three of the existing site proposals in order to select and develop one for the remainder of the semester. This does not mean that the existing proposals are “stable.” To the contrary, the exercise is a first pass at understanding what types of organizations and techniques are available for developing the site at large.
Working in three teams of four (one per project), students will analyze and develop, one of the three available strategies for the Office Complex (from Spring 2013) and apply that to the entire site. The focus of this exercise is to distill massing techniques as well as techniques for visualizing and representing ideas. While the existing proposals may seem developed, they have not been abstracted and developed along the following two lines:
Materialization: Each group will need to enrich, speculate on and develop a clear geometrical massing system for the existing design. In order to experiment with it, we will examine how that system manifests structurally and materially on top of, within, or around the existing historical buildings on the site. Two students from each team will focus on this aspect of the existing project.
Visualization: While some data exists for each project in relationship to program, structure, circulation or mood, the techniques for visualizing these aspects of the projects are not well developed. Each group will begin by understanding these primary components of their case study and then test or experiment with representational techniques that can capture the complex relationships of its design. The goal is to explore three-dimensional, model-based techniques for mapping these components and then to combine them with advanced rendering and/or graphic techniques to elicit the hybrid and contradictory nature of each component. Groups will need to further explore the potential of each primary component, by speculating on how they can intersect with, penetrate and/or frame the existing historical buildings. Two students from each team will focus on this aspect of the existing project.

• Materialization

  • 1:1000 model showcasing a geometrical approach for the whole site
  • Aerial diagrams showing:
  • Geometry
  • Material systems

• Visualization
Aerial diagram/renderings of primary components:

  • Circulation
  • Program
  • Structure
  • Mood

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